Thursday, December 15, 2016

Friday, December 2, 2016

Company plan

My company will be a pet food company. The name is Vitanutri (Vitamin nutrition), and my company will focus to food for small pet as rabbit, guinea pig, chinchilla and hedge hog. The food is about pet food pellet, hays and pet chewing toy. The main color of company will be eco green, this color is not an outstanding color but it make people feel comfortable when looking at the package and another element that make people focus to our company will be the picture of small animal with cute graphic design because people love their pet so they will focus to it.

Project #3

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

HW #5

     The Movie poster I like was Lord legend of ravaging dynasties, made by China, Hong Kong or maybe Taiwan. It's a 3D movie with awesome graphic, I can say it can be as good as Finding Nemo, but this one is more about myths movie so the background should be darker than Finding Nemo. But once again, I like this poster by the way of how they decide to locate the Chimera, how it's feathers fly down from its wings and the light from sun that hit to it fur made it shine, all of these contributes make the Chimera look so brave. But I think this poster look a little like they took idea from the cartoon Simba :).